I’ve been seeing this trend lately which goes against the serious, mixologist puritanism we’ve endured for quite a time now. What I keep seeing is, “let’s drink silly cocktails this summer,” which I’m totally on board for. There’s enough crazy shit going on the world, let’s stop fussing over our drinks and enjoy ourselves. We’re talking piña coladas, mojitos, sex on the beaches!

This piece by Ed Cumming titled Five Cocktails to Help Beat the Heat is a perfect example (ok, some of these are kinda mixologist-y 🙄) featuring drinks from bartenders around the world. The one I’m excited to try is the Ice Cream for Astronauts, which is made here in Barcelona at Two Schmucks:
“This drink started off as a gin basil smash meets a gin and tonic, but as summer arrived in Barcelona and it got hotter, we found ourselves needing to add ice cream to everything. The coconut complements the vegetal flavor of the basil, and it works great with tonic as a highball. The result is a fresh, ice-cold fizzy drink for summer.