I’m incredibly excited for Róisín Murphy’s upcoming album Hit Parade as it’s co-produced with one of my other absolute faves, DJ Koze. So I was thrilled to see Philip Sherburne’s epic profile on the singer for Pitchfork, titled Life, Death, and Disco in Ibiza With Róisín Murphy. It goes in depth on her long rise to stardom, and the lengthy and wild production of the album, which gets me even more hyped than I already was:
“Hit Parade has Murphy showcasing the range of her voice not just stylistically, flipping from ballads to bangers, but in the way she explores every aspect of it: sandy, breathy, severe, gentle; caterwauling, cooing, hissing, belting, pleading, celebrating; leaping for joy, scowling with dejection, slipping wantonly between notes. Aided by Koze’s liquid blend of vintage soul and digital mischief, she locates entirely new pockets of marbled texture and elastic timbre in every drawn-out syllable.”