The Fox is Black

  • This came across my TikTok over the weekend I thought It was too beautiful not to share. FKJ, aka French Kiwi Juice, is a French multi-instrumentalist who creates music that’s that I would describe as a jazz-flecked with electronic touches. At a recent performance at Red Rock in Colorado, he performed his track “Ylang Ylang” along with these stunning visuals. If you were able to bottle up a memory, I think it might end up looking (and soudning) something like this.

    FKJ (French Kiwi Juice) performing "Ylang Ylang" at Red Rock Amphitheater, Colorado
  • “Why is a painting dry?”

    This is the sort of thesis for Akiko Nakayama’s “alive paintings” where she combines different liquids combined with projectors to bringing painting to life. The stills of her work look like galaxies or alien micro-organisms, while her live work is like a fascinating journey through an alien universe. I’m so impressed by the way that she’s been able to figure out, I’m assuming through trial and error, how to manipulate these liquids to do such extraordinary things, while also putting on a captivating show at the same time. Be sure to watch the video below in it’s super high-res, full-screen glory for the optimal experience.

    Akiko Nakayama - Alive Paintings
    Akiko Nakayama - Alive Paintings
    Akiko Nakayama - Alive Paintings